Darkrp gmod f4 menu
Darkrp gmod f4 menu

Making things which work in the wider gmod environment (things which follow popular trends and designs) is important. Ok modernize it as you like but at least make it unique to some extent. The old menu was fundamentally flawed in a lot of ways and needed a complete recode and redesign - modernising the old design just wasn’t possible based on how it was designed. The gang ownership bug is fixed in the March Update and none of those other bugs have been reported. If there’s any bugs they need to be reported to me or I can’t fix them - I’m not a mind reader! If the old one could be remade with slight modern changes, would be dope but just wouldn’t happen u can’t transfer gang owner, inventory layouts do not save, double equip sometimes just doesn’t work. I like the new f4 however it’s really buggy.

Darkrp gmod f4 menu